A wellness day that celebrated nearly 250 senior citizens from the Hopefield community, on the West Coast, was a joy to behold.

The Wellness and non-cosmetic pedicure sessions were done by Mfesane Community health care workers, who treated seniors over the age of 65 years to a relaxing foot inspections, washes and massages. This wellness day also included speakers from the Department of Health to create awareness round key dietary and physical issues, with entertainment provided by young learners from Hopefield Primary school.

“Our speakers included community leaders, a qualified dietician and a physiotherapist, to help our elderly community members stay fit and healthy, for as long as possible,” said Celiwe Mabaso, Community Operations Manager for Umoya Energy Wind Farm, funders of the event.
The Wellness Day was a lovely opportunity for senior community members to enjoy spending time together, share a meal and have time to catch up with friends.

“Senior citizens often lose touch with friends and companions as they grow older, so it was wonderful to watch them enjoy reconnecting with each other in a warm, friendly atmosphere whilst sharing a hearty lunch,” she added.

This is the second event that the wind farm has held over the last few years. The inaugural event included 500 senior citizens of Hopefield and Koperfontein – and following the success and positive feedback, plans will hopefully be put in place for the next fun day.

Contact us

National Enquiries

021 670 1400


2nd Floor, Fernwood House, The Oval, 1 Oakdale Road, Newlands, Cape Town, 7700
Claremont, 7735

Umoya Energy Local Community Office:
26 Voortrekker Road, Hopefield, 7355

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